
Aug 7, 2018
Irina Linnik
UX and UI design: know the difference
The UX and UI terms are easy to confuse. We decided to provide a guide on both UI and UX and explain why both of them are critical for seamless app performance.
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Jul 23, 2018
Irina Linnik
Transformation of financial industry with Artificial Intelligence
The sphere of finances has always been associated with immense accuracy, high risks and strict demand for the quality. In order to keep up to these standards, the industry has to adapt to the
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Jul 10, 2018
Irina Linnik
How fixed price destroys soft projects, or why we converted to T&M
In the battle “Fixed price VS Time & Materials”, the latter one seems to be winning during the last years. At Celadon, we recently gave up on the fixed price model at all, switching to 100%
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Jun 23, 2018
Irina Linnik
QA for mobile apps: why you must do it (and do it right!)
So what should you keep in mind when you think about mobile QA? Let’s have a look at each step in detail.
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Jun 6, 2018
Irina Linnik
The One Who Cares the Most: Project Manager in IT
Project manager is the one – single point of communication – who would listen to you, specify all issues and questions, together with you develop a strategy and only then pass it to the devel
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May 9, 2018
Irina Linnik
Burst of blockchain development in UAE: Dubai is confidently becoming world’s first Smart City
We have already written about Smart Dubai, which is a government initiative that was launched in order to turn Dubai into maximally convenient place for its citizens and increase their level
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