
Nov 7, 2018
Irina Linnik
Interesting facts about programming
We present you some basic facts about programming to keep you in even more awe of technological progress and spill some beans.
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Oct 19, 2018
Alexei Falco
Choosing the most suitable map for your app
It may seem that, since a map is an additional feature and comes in many forms, the choice of a proper map for your mobile application is a piece of cake. But despite the seeming simplicity o
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Oct 10, 2018
Irina Linnik
Why all businesses need to shift to mobile: Top-5 reasons
The world has gone mobile and the frequency of mobile usage picks up steam. In 2018, Statista estimated the number of mobile app users to be 4.57 billion and the number of mobile apps in both
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Sep 26, 2018
Irina Linnik
Mobile trends to look for in 2019
The mobile market is strong as never before in recent years. Statista estimated that in 2018, the number of mobile app downloads reached approximately 205 billion – and this number will keep
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Sep 10, 2018
Alexei Falco
Why Swift is better than Objective-C?
Considering the popularity of Swift among developers, we're really surprised to find out that there are still projects, which are new and written in Objective-C. And thus we decided to write
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Aug 18, 2018
Irina Linnik
Why do so many startups fail?
As Small Biz Trends research shows, 90% of startups fail at the very beginning – out of which, 60% belong in the IT industry.
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