Top 9 UAE local application for daily usage

Nowadays, people desire to have everything they want by just a few taps on their smartphones. As we all know the most popular social apps in UAE are still the same: WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube.
But today we will have a look at the apps which will help you make your life easier and more enjoyable in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and UAE generally.
No need to wait in lines anymore. This multi-lingual app has been launched by the Dubai Water and Electricity Authority (Dewa), offering more than 150 services and features on the go. Check and pay regular bills with a single tap. Just enter your DEWA account number to get information and statistic on your electricity, water, house fee and other charges. Fortunately available for all operating platforms: OS, Android, Blackberry, Windows 8, Windows Phone and Samsung Home.

Here you can check and install DEWA for iOS devices
With Dewa, you can hardly delay the payment and get a penalties . Also you can plan your budget for the coming months
Cost saving: medium $$
2. Jobs in Dubai
Are you looking for a new job? This could be a great place to start. Upload your CV, setup your profile and wait, you'll have access to an extensive database of employers. It doesn’t matter are you a young specialist or a doctor of Medicine, everyone will find vacancy despite age and skill level. Don’t miss new notifications, maybe the dream job is just behind one tap?

you can download Jobs in Dubai from google play by clicking on the link
First of all, the application is not intended to save money but for earnings. But for those who still use the help of agencies when looking for a job s a good saving
Cost saving: low $ - medium $$
3. RTA
This app includes more than 40 most frequently used services and features designed to support roads and public transport users. Pay your parking bills, check train and bus timing, book a taxi, get more info about interesting places to visit. At the moment RTA supports Arabic, English, Hindi & Russian languages.

follow the link and download RTA for Android
Needless to say that fines for parking in the wrong place can fly in a pretty penny? And to extend the parking time in the officials places directly , you can use the application.
Cost saving: medium $$
4. Uber EATS delivery app
Whether you feel like having a tomato soup from vegetarian restaurant or a big burger from Burger King, or maybe a natural Italian ice cream, UberEats got it for you. With it’s helpful categorization through food types, restaurants in your neighborhood and prices, this simple app with friendly design, is a perfect choice if you’re looking for food on-the-go. Needless to say, you сan choose to pay with credit card, Paypal or in cash. By the way, it’s working in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and even in Hong Kong

uberEATS for iOS devicesses is here
Time is money. While your order is being prepared and delivered, you can easily get ready for a romantic dinner and save on the way to the restaurant. Sometimes restaurants offer special prices for takeaway food.
Cost saving: low $
5. UAE YellowPages
The good old principle – «Let's check yellow pages first», still works. It’s one of the most simple and must have apps on your phone. You will get access to business addresses, emails, web-sites and phone numbers. If you found what are you looking for just tap and call instantly. Best part – it works offline.

UAE YELLOW Pages in google play
Of course, you can buy this catalog in any newspaper store, but it's much easier to use the built-in search.
Cost saving: low $
It doesn't matter if you are looking for a new perfume for your mother or new smartphone for your brother , will help you to find it. Daily discounts in any shopping categories are waiting on the shelves. Needless to say, app allows you to pay online by credit card, PayPal or in cash on delivery. You also can save products to your wish list. Don’t forget to show it to your friends before Christmas.

download the mobile Souq application from the official site
Use special daily discounts for goods and promotional codes, and you have every chance to get what you want with a discount of up to 75%.
Cost saving: medium $$ - high $$$
7. Business in Dubai
This multilingual app was represented by Department of Economic Development (DED) and it’s main purpose is licence management and business registration services at the Dubai DED. You may obtain an Initial Approval to start and register a new business, renew your trade name and pay license fees. With regular updates users open new opportunities to control their business.

follow the link and download Business in Dubai for Android
Also application will help significantly save on the consultation with legal experts and accountants who takes an hourly wage.
Cost saving: high $$$
8. Dubai police/ Abu Dhabi police
For several years now the winner of best m-government service award. Make reports about traffic accidents, check the situation on the roads, get the information about 24/7 police stations, hospitals and pharmacies. With option «smart reporting camera» it's easy to capture any suspicious activities and send it directly to police. By the way, you may report anonymously. In our opinion, all developing countries must support projects like this one.

download Dubai police/ Abu Dhabi police from google play
Your safety is above all and the Dubai/ Abu Dhabi police app are reliable defenders of interest of the citizens.
Cost saving: is priceless
9. Hemayati
Last but not the least in our review is Hemayati app which allows parents to know exactly where their kids are in real time. Naturally the app has the emergency alert button, but we hope your children will never need to use it.

follow the link and download Hemayati for iOS
Or maybe your child is old enough to stay at home alone after school? Save on a baby-sitter today and don’t worry that he left somewhere with friends
Cost saving: medium $$