e-Learning Platform

Project Overview
Industry | Education |
Duration | 6 months |
Services |
A Dutch client needed a unique multi-functional product that incorporates the up-the-minute market trends and has its distinctive features.
Its main concept is the creation of training courses by means of specialized cards (based on Quizlet cards), but with capability and functionality expansion.
We have built an app that unites both an educational platform and a platform for the advancement of your own courses with an expedient admin panel. Any user can take a training course (both free and paid ones), contrive their own courses (personal and public - for advertisement), collaborate with the platform as a content creator, and get a payoff.
The client reached us with having in mind an app idea, its structure, and design sketches (color palette and references). We got down to work with our own research and suggested several implementation options. Subsequently, after joint brainstorming, constant close communication, and options coordination, we have developed a unique product. Its essence is the following:
We’ve made it possible to visualize and structure all kinds of theory in every course so that the learning process is of learn-and-play form. The game covers all the necessary indicators for effective study and is ensured with real-time animation.
This was implemented by means of different kinds of non-trivial cards that include answers for open and closed questions. They are self-check, multiple-choice, etc., with an image attached to every card.